dinsdag 8 februari 2011

B'day party =D kinda.. =x

Ft. MINIMAN! (I had my eyes closed T_T but I like the picture though =D)

Oh so chamring Perry whaha x']

The happy dude Michar

ft Mini and Anouk =D

Ft Anouk <3

Ft Mini again =]

So what did we do that night.. Well, it kinda started with my boyfriend and I sitting and trying to get to Thao who had been missing. She kinda like.. missed it but well.. b'days are every year right ^^ First Anouk, Thomas and Mini arrived. Just watched a little tv, talked a lot and it was really fun. 
My brother and his friends arrived shortly after that and at first it was a little bit awkward.. haha two totally different groups of people sitting there staring at each other and stuff. But once they had a beer, everyone was laughing together =D
When we were having fun some random dude stuck his ass onto my window.. guess who that was >.> hahaha Perry and Michar arrived.
After a good 2 hours my bro and friends left and we headed out to go party in Oosterhout. We stayed untill closing time and got to my place to catch some sleep. 

I love the fact my mom even left the house especially for me =D

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