zondag 5 december 2010

Robert & Perry's B'day! =D

4 December was my birthday and unfortunatly... I didn't make one single picture T_T butbutbut... I did go to a party last week and to make up for it I'm going to give you some of the most EMBARASSING PICTURES! Well.. not that embarassing but they sure are funny x']

Attempt at doing the limbo...

No comment.

Just nooo...

Crowd surfing on the couch ftw >=D

Wearing Robert's birthday gift .. =D

Intelligent looking people.. x']

Pam at her most charming moment x']

Natasha and Pam

Birthday Boy Robert ..

.. and his newfound girlfriend

At first it was like this ...

... And then we chrashed in =D

Yay for ruining group pictures for people we don't know!

Cutest couple ever! =D

Dani with a not so cute moment x']

Just noo...

Perry, me, Thomas and Pam

Kung-Fu with Natasha and Thomas x']

plunger on yo head fool!

Dani and me

Edwin, Me, Max, Pam and Bart

The band =D Chubby Weekend 


Guitar: Thomas
Drums: Michar
Vocals: Dani
Bass: Perry

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